UX concept for Shopper’s Drugs-mart Mobile App

My role in the team: User Insights Generation, User research and Prototype creation

Problem Statement

​How might Shoppers Drug Mart leverage its assets to address students’ convenience and financial concerns re: grocery shopping?

Defining the Problem

My team and I first used the lean canvas to define and frame our problem statement into more tangible project goals and to get a better scope of the problem.

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Research Process & Insights

Finding out user behaviours

We then used user research methods to further validate our assumptions and to find out more about our target market's pain-points and purchasing behaviours. 


Fliers are used to identify sale items. Some people go grocery shopping exclusively for such items.

User’s motivations

Many users are most interested in the opportunity to obtain Optimum rewards. The opportunity for discounted grocery prices is a key attractive feature to users.


Shoppers is often perceived as a location to buy snacks, rather than grocery items; hence there is a need for a change of perception.

What we also found out

2 main barriers for students in buying/cooking healthy food are time and finances. First being - Lack of time to shop for and cook healthy, raw ingredients is a common barrier for our customer segment.

Second being - Lack of sufficient finances to purchase healthy ingredients and meals at health restaurants is also a common barrier for our customer segment.

Based on the above observations my team and I came up with several different proposed features for the shopper's application as seen below: 

Key nudge feature - making the application stick


A goal system will assist the rank system and the reward system in a way of nudging user behaviour by setting achievable goals like buying certain amount of healthy food from Shoppers in a month.


Users can choose to set a goal when they use the app for the first time, by accomplishing the goals, they can boost their rank upgrading process and unlock more goals. Application notifications will also serve as nudges and co-op with other features to help users develop healthy eating habits by encouraging or reminding the users to use the application.

Reduce friction of usage.


Reward system

Many users surveyed are mostly extrinsically driven by money and/or points.


Healthy Recipes

The app will also educate students about cooking healthy food by offering healthy recipes. Users can also search ingredients and get corresponding recipes. The recipes will be economic and time-saving in order to fit most of post-secondary students’ lives that are ‘broke and busy’. Between iterations our group experimented with classification of recipes based on both ingredients and time. After gathering more feedbacks from people we realised that more people prefer the ingredients option as they often look into their fridge for inspirations first and they often have a dedicated time to cook.



Many users are current users of e-coupons, this will just make the feature more accessible for both existing users and new customers.

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To make sure that we have already tackled the pain-points we then compared our previous user journey map of Shopping at Shoppers with the new one of which after they have started with the application. With our app they are able to enjoy an overall better shopping experience with Shoppers that is also in-align with their own personal health goals .



During initial journey map, we found a lot of negative feelings when it comes to comparing which products to buy which causes a lot of fustration in general within the experience.

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With the new application design and prompts to help users to make better decisions, the initial fustration was largely mitigated throughout the process.


Key Success Metrics


Account Creation

We will be able to track the usage based on how many new student accounts are created.

Revenue tracking through Optimum points used and claimed

We will be able to track what kinds of offers are more popular and hence be able to better enhance the overall user experience and customisation. 

Conversion rate: Track user engagement

We will be able to track how often are they using the applications.

Overall Conclusion

The client, Shoppers Drug Mart Canada, requested that our team help them optimize their emerging Digital Health Platform. Of the many ways in which they suggested we do this, we chose to focus on developing the platform’s potential to help Canadians combat common diseases. 

After group deliberation and research regarding common healthcare concerns among Canadians, we noticed a need for an online platform that encourages and helps post-secondary students to maintain a nutritious diet. After validating our concept with users, we developed numerous iterations of low fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes. Each of these iterations was validated with users via online and in-person interviews. Results from these interviews informed subsequent prototype iterations, such that we ultimately produced a minimum viable product (MVP). 

Our MVP addresses key barriers to students’ ability to maintain a nutritious diet: namely, time (esp. associated with selecting grocery items and deciding what to eat for a given meal) and finances. We have also recommended a number of additional features that are outside of the scope of this project, but which will give Shoppers an edge on market competitors and further satisfy user needs.​

If given more time we would like to add in a component of own meal kit preparation component to the application to make it more desirable in the long term as one interesting aspect which came up during interview was having the recipe ingredients packed up and available for cooking. 

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Testimonials from Colleagues


User Research on Dating Applications