IBM Security - Bulk Operations of Data Sources

Creating a more efficient, design system compliant and better user experience for NGLM (Next Gen Log Management)

The NGLM (Next-Generation Log Management) software suite from IBM Security aims to enhance security threat detection for clients. To facilitate this, clients must integrate data sources into the IBM system, emphasizing the importance of a user-friendly experience. In collaboration with three fellow designers, the focus was on addressing the issue of allowing Scott, the Security Administrator, to efficiently manage multiple data sources simultaneously, reducing the need for manual data entry. The design process was structured into three steps: Understand, explore, and deliver, with a specific emphasis on redesigning the complex initial data source addition flow.

It all starts with research and knowing yourself & your competitors

During the understand and explore phases, I conducted competitive research on five major competitors and performed audits of the current IBM NGLM experience within QRadar. Several key areas for improvement in the process were identified based on my findings.

Competitors - Shopify

Embeded bulk editor (instead of downloading .csv file and uploading back to the platform)

Current NGLM experience - Naming templates

Template use is mandatory but hard to find/use in the current nested tooltip.

Current NGLM experience -Error prevention

Explorations needed to understand what is required, what does the checkbox do, how can we make the name template more accessible.

In the explore phase, I examined various layouts, components, and patterns for each workflow to enhance consumability. I explored different states of each page and component, including Empty/First time, Error, and Use Case-specific scenarios.

Additionally, I created a mid-fi prototype that outlines the draft content, user interactions, and planned usage of carbon (IBM’s design system) components and patterns. This prototype identifies elements that can be used as-is by development, those requiring modification, and those that need to be developed from scratch.


- Hi-fidelity clickable prototype to demonstrate the bulk add/edit/delete workflow.
- UI Copy with accurate content.
- Handover document with library of Carbon components, typography, spacing reference guide for Development team.

Final design for NGLM bulk add process delivered to developers.


5 major user pain points addressed

  • Lack of visibility on which data sources are actionable as bulk operation

  • Bring efficiency to bulk adding workflow with reduced steps

  • Bring efficiency to bulk adding workflow with reduced steps

  • Variables to assign unique names are hidden

  • Would like to preview configuration details in the product UI before saving

  • Would like to save result to address any errors

4 key UX and usability improvements

  • Clear affordance of available bulk actions on select data sources

  • Flexibility and efficiency of use of variables

  • Freedom to continue other tasks instead of being stuck on loading

  • Error recovery through downloadable summary reports


Reimagined National Post Video Centre for better audience engagement


Design eminence - IBM Jumpstart design mentorship (Hyperblue AI)